Talitha Kum Zambia (TAKUZA) is a Faith-based National Network Organization that aims to end human trafficking. TAKUZA therefore engages in education, research and advocacy and offers support to victims of human trafficking. It is a Project of the Zambia Association of Sisterhoods (ZAS), an Association with a Membership of 45 Religious women Congregations operating in Zambia. TAKUZA Network membership also includes other Institutions and individuals with a passion to combat human trafficking.

Talitha Kum Zambia derives its name from the phrase “Talitha Kum”, which Jesus addressed to a 12-year-old daughter of Jairus in Mark 5:41, who apparently lay lifeless. The expression translated from Aramaic means “young girl, I say to you, arise”.  After addressing her, Jesus took the little girl by the hand and she immediately got up and walked. The expression Talitha-Kum was chosen by Talitha Kum International, a worldwide Network of Consecrated Life committed against trafficking, to define its identity. TAKUZA is one of the Network members of Talitha Kum International, based in Rome, Italy. For Talitha Kum Networks around the world, “the expression “Talitha Kum” has the transformative power of compassion and mercy, which awakens the deep desire for dignity and life which may be asleep and injured by the many forms of exploitation.

Where We Are
TAKUZA is based in Lusaka with its head office at the Catholic Secretariat of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) situated at BRT 60, Kabulonga Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka, Zambia. However, it has its presence in the eleven Catholic Dioceses of Chipata, Kabwe, Kasama, Livingstone, Lusaka, Mansa, Mongu, Monze, Mpika, Ndola and Solwezi, through its Outreach Teams comprising Religious Sisters and their collaborators at ZAS Branch Level and the Youth Action Platforms (YAPs).

Our Vision

TAKUZA’s vision is a society in which every person is free from exploitation.

Our Mission

The shared mission of TAKUZA and its Network members is to end human trafficking. For this purpose, TAKUZA engages in education and advocacy and promotes initiatives that address the root causes of human trafficking and victims’ access to protection services. Given the complex nature of human trafficking, TAKUZA’s approach to realizing its purpose is to work collaboratively with organizations and individuals committed to ending human trafficking.

Our Values

The work of TAKUZA is informed by the following values drawn from the Church Social Teaching:

Human Dignity – Promoting the Sacredness of the human person who is unique and unrepeatable
Freedom – From all forms of exploitation
Solidarity – With victims of trafficking
Commitment – To freeing the oppressed
Collaboration – Working with others towards eliminating exploitation
Prayer – Drawing grace for a compassionate Heart
Safe-Self – Engaging in behaviours that ensure safety for other persons and for oneself