In combating human trafficking, there are three key areas often referred to as the 3 Ps: Prevention, Protection and Prosecution. TAKUZA has its focus on 2 Ps: Prevention and Protection.


  1. Training of 77 Community Animators and Police/frontline officers.
  2. Raising awareness on Human Trafficking to 60,000 community members and the general public.
  3. 45 Network Member Institutions engaged.


  1. Capacity of the Police and other stakeholders to identify human trafficking and respond appropriately.
  2. Increased public awareness of the issue of Human Trafficking.
  3. Strong collaboration among Network Members.

Education and Training

To prevent human trafficking, TAKUZA offers training workshops on human trafficking to key stakeholders that include Law Enforcement Officers such as Immigration and Police Officers, the Judiciary, Social Workers, Civil Society Organizations, Religious Institutes and the Youth.  Training is aimed at building capacity among stakeholders so that they operate effectively in addressing human trafficking at various levels.

Awareness Raising

Information acts as a protection tool in regard to human trafficking. Those without it can be vulnerable to being trafficked.  To bridge the knowledge gap, TAKUZA, in collaboration with stakeholders, employs different initiatives aimed at raising awareness to the public on what constitutes human trafficking so that the public can open its eyes to the vice. Awareness raising initiatives include TV and radio Programmes, the use of posters and brochures, billboards and short films as well as engaging the public through social media. Raising awareness on human trafficking is also aimed at getting more people interested and involved in the fight.

Support to victims

The victim is at the centre of any response to human trafficking. Creating conditions of trust and respect helps victims reclaim their lives and move toward self-sufficiency and independence. TAKUZA in this regard, offers support to victims through its vocational skills training programmes. The Organization assesses what skills individual victims wish to acquire and facilitates this through sponsorship working closely with its mother-body, ZAS and other stakeholders.


TAKUZA is a member of the National Committee on Human Trafficking, housed under the Department of Immigration in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security. The Committee which comprises members mainly from line Ministries and Civil Society Organizations, is responsible for the coordination of the work of Human Trafficking in Zambia. This offers a significant opportunity for TAKUZA to advocate what needs to be done to address human trafficking in Zambia. Beyond this, TAKUZA is part of Talitha Kum Africa and belongs to the East African Hub with Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Tanzania. This is another platform used for advocacy at regional and continental levels.